Thomas Dekker - The Shoemaker's Holiday

Rowland Lacy is Lincoln’s nephew. He is in love with Rose, the daughter of Sir Roger Oteley, Lord Mayor of London. A frivolous person, Lacy fritters away all his money and soon goes bankrupt. His uncle does not want him then to marry Rose and so suggests sending Lacy to France as a colonel. Since he is unwilling to leave his dear Rose, Lacy dresses up as Hans, a Dutch shoemaker and finds some work in London. He speaks with a strong Dutch accent and pretends to know hardly any English. In the meantime, Rose is waiting for her beloved Lacy, rejecting all the proposals and thus making her father bitterly angry. After some time, however, Rose recognises Lacy and, with a help of her maid Sybil, both run away in order to get married.


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