My Super Ex-Girlfriend

Artykuł pochodzi z pisma "Guardian"

Peter Bradshaw
Friday August 4, 2006
The Guardian

Uma Thurman is catastrophically miscast in this truly terrible fantasy-romcom about an ordinary guy (Luke Wilson, on dull form) who finds out the nervy, neurotic woman he's dating (Thurman) is in fact a superheroine, who whizzes around New York fighting crime. Thurman, in the immortal words of Humphrey Bogart, stinks up the screen. She has zero talent for comedy, and even an actor who very much does have this talent - Eddie Izzard, playing her arch-nemesis, Professor Bedlam - looks unhappy and uneasy, with no funny lines. Ivan "Ghostbusters" Reitman directs with a heavy hand. Thurman may wish to buy up all extant celluloid and DVD copies and burn them.

arch-- arcy-
catastrophically- katastroficznie
date- spotykać się z kimś, umawiać się, chodzić na randki
extant- ocalały
immortal- nieśmiertelny
miscast- źle obsadzić rolę
nemesis- nemezis, boginii zemsty
nervy- nerwowy
neurotic- neurotyczny
ordinary- zwyczajny
romcom- komedia romantyczna
stink up- zasmradzać
uneasy- niepewny; niespokojny
whizz- pędzić, latać


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